I am Me

I don't know what to write about most days
Because every day it feels harder and harder to grasp for air
my soul slowly draining as I encounter a sea of whiteness when I leave my doorstep
Most days I don't know what type of person I should occupy
Every time I see a group of more than 4 people, I have the urgency to leave
I don't enjoy company anymore
I don't want to leave my house

Within Predominantly White Institutions,
There is a need for marginalized people to pit against each other in order to claim a seat at the table
I always never understood that because that is just capitalism
For me, I occupy multiple realms,
I am Afro Egyptian Alternative Trans Woman Hairy Femmine human person daughter sister Low-income first generation, I am me
I am defined by my lineage, not by labels
I will never compete with you because the master's tools will never dismantle the master's house
My foremothers are Audre Lorde and Marsha P Johnson
Blood-derived from the Arab African drums of Uomm Kalsoum
I am me

It is really hard for me to get out of the covers
When it is the only thing that is keeping you warm
I realize that I am grateful that I have a bed
Which is something that not everyone can say right now
I will take it step by step


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