This is me

This is me
Someone who tries too hard
who exhausts herself
and does not see the beauty in her
This is me at my happiest and most frightful
Trying so hard to contemplate all that she sees
Releasing the fluid identity to the entire world
Not yet realise all that she has

But when you look the other way
I am exhausted and suffocated
Though I carry these characteristics around,
My truth is reborn each and every day
My fluidity keeps me going
Even when I can't leave the sheets
It keeps me fighting for eradication and justice
so that all my Queer and Trans siblings
will be liberated and set free
To be someone that my community and loved ones can be proud of

This is me
One who carries the internal insecurities and oppressions
Each and every day as I leave spaces
Though I am working on it
I am working on it


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