It seems like the one emotion that I always feel is loss. Regardless, of positive, negative, melancholy, apathy, joy, I feel like everything is incomplete Whether I am denied my humanity black trans women being murdered left and right people without homes being put in jail because we don't like the site of them poor people being denied access to food, water, and shelter everyone is experiencing loss we seem to like to blame the individuals for their lack of humanity "there are homeless shelters everywhere, you should not be on the street" like as if these places are fully funded and except all people, they are only meant to keep people overnight. "Maybe you are called a faggot is because the way that you are dressed, you are just asking for it" Well if people stopped putting their insecurities on girls like me, we wouldn't be in this fucking mess. "Maybe if you got a job, you wouldn't be poor." Well no shit Sherlock, they probabl...